Facial acupuncture is known as 'facial rejuvenation acupuncture' or 'facial revitalisation acupuncture' and is a virtually painless method for reducing signs of the ageing process. It is a very thorough and effective process to helpthe whole body both look and feel younger.
I trained in facial acupuncture in 2010 with Virginia Doran at the Northern College of Acupuncture. Since then I have used it successfully on patients who had concerns about signs of ageing, such as fine lines (on the forehead, around the eyes and/or around the mouth) and sagging muscles (cheeks and under the chin). Facial acupuncture cannot reverse the ageing process but it can help to smooth fine lines, improve circulation to the face and boost collagen production. Most patients feel and see the benefits after 3 sessions and longer-term results after 5.
A Facial session starts with a thorough case history and acupuncture points on the body to support general health and any specific issues the patient has - anything from insomnia to digestive issues can effect how our face looks, whether we frown, smile or look rested and at peace. It also incorporates facial massage using Korean massage tools made of resin or bone. These work to lift the muscles and bring blood flow to the face and skin. The massage can be invigorating or calming, depending on the needs of each patient and I work from the neck up to the forehead, using the tools in specific ways for each area or problem.
The massage is followed by the insertion of tiny, sterile extra fine gauge intradermal needles into problem areas such as horizontal lines on the forehead. This is usually painless and I will talk you through each procedure and answer all your questions. Once the needles are all in place you can lie back and relax.
Possible side-effects are small bruises or haematomas (localised bleeding) but these are rare and I avoid areas which could bruise easily, such as around the eye, unless specifically requested.
The International Journal of Clinical acupuncture reported in 1996 that, in a study of 300 cases, 90% showed marked improvement in one course of treatment, in skin texture, colouring, increased elasticity, reduction in wrinkles and overall rejuvenation.
It is more beneficial to carry out a few treatments close together in time - i.e. twice a week or weekly - at first and then space them out so a good plan would be 4 treatments over two weeks and then regular weekly treatments for 4 weeks but I know this is not always possible so we can discuss the treatment strategy at our first meeting.
Facial acupuncture is not used on anyone with pituitary disorders, heart disorders, haemophiliacs or anyone with high blood pressure or diabetes. If you have a headache or nauseous I proceed with caution as it could make these problems worse for short period.